Nobody any more today can be unaware of, and especially nobody can deny any more that the air whom we breathe, is soiled more and more with impurities of which the quantity, the variety, but especially harmfulness, grow unceasingly. Exceeded by this situation, the official organizations, in particular the organizations of Health, are constrained to alert the population unceasingly, without him to offer the least sour or effective solution!....
Admittedly the urban, industrial or residential zones, are more severely reached; to however believe that the " countryside " is miraculously protected is a dangerous illusion; exhaust fumes of the vehicles, fume of the dwellings, pesticides or fungicides agricultural, invading plastics and urban dust transported by the wind, all that and much of other things maintain a slow, insidious but some degradation , of the places which we hope to have preserved . Is it necessary besides to call that the diseases of the " allergic " type inter alia are not reserved only to the townsmen, but what they regularly gain ground in the no urban areas, particularly in the young children? It is the presence unceasingly increasing - and regularly measured - atmospheric " pollutants ", substances or elements visible or usually invisible, present in the air which we breathe, who deteriorates the purity of this air; moreover, this deterioration can involve for the people concerned - but also for the domestic animals - immediate or differed harmful effects being able to become alarming: these discomforts appear in the form varied from sometimes severe persistent disorders for sensitive individuals, and serious pathologies if the pollutants are dangerous (asbestos, carcinogenic hydrocarbons....). The whole of the particles - polluting or not - thus present in the air is generally called " aerosol ": it consists of inert particles of any origins, liquids and solids, and of bacterial or viral germs varied which we inevitably introduce.
We now know in an unquestionable way that this pollution is divided in two main categories, different at the same time by their nature and their effects: the " macro pollution " due to the " large " pollutants, and the " micropollution " due to the pollutants more " fine ", in general invisible with the naked eye.
Table 1, that we will comment on, gathers in a summarized diagrammatic form the compared characters of the two categories.
Table 1
First of all let us retain a decisive difference between macro and micropollution. Of an average diameter higher than some thousandth of millimetres (micrometers), the weight of the macro pollutants obliges them to fall spontaneously towards the ground, (one says " to precipitate " or " to form a deposit"), thus removing the atmosphere from their presence. It is the case of the majority of " large " dust, industrial and domestic. Moreover, the macropollutants hardly tend to be disseminated by the wind: their accumulation involves of this fact a possible local risk, generally momentary... - Of a diameter varying from some millionth from millimeter (nanometers), with one to two thousandth of millimetre (micrometers) the micropolluants are enough light to remain " in suspension " in the air, even more calms; they can thus gain in particular without encumbers our air cells during respiratory movements. Of course, the wind can disperse them at enormous distances (thousands of kilometres) because of their lightness which facilitates their rise towards the upper atmosphere. It is the case of the " orange-coloured rains ", brought by the foehn charged with dust the finest arrivals of the Sahara, and falling down with the rain which they color. Certain particular geographical areas (boxed areas, " folding " slopes, etc.) are thus victims of the stagnation of the surrounding atmosphere in the form alas known and dreaded of the " smog ", dangerous cocktail of fog (fog), of fume (smoke), of bacterial or viral agents carried by the fine droplets which constitute at the same time an excellent support and a vehicle. It is also the case, increasingly frequent and worrying, of the great agglomerations victims of the " layer of inversion" : this one maintains on the ground a made harmful fog of residues of combustion of the engines and heatings, acid micro-droplets of water, varied micro-dust and pathogenic germs, plus a quantity of ozone and oxides of nitrogen largely higher than the limits of healthiness... " alert " diffused by our media show well with what a danger we arrived... but also in front of what an impotence we are! Resulting from the extreme diversity from their size, macro and micro pollutants require techniques of filtration strictly adapted to their characters: - generally easy elimination of the micro pollutants, either spontaneous or by simple and in theory effective installations. They are hardly carrying germs, and of this fact are generally not very dangerous. - extreme difficulty of elimination of the micro pollutants and the germs which accompany them; they require the use of systems complex, expensive, cumbersome, fragile, reserved in general for factories site criticize such as pharmaceutical products and micro-electronics in particular. These micro pollutants are then excellent vehicles for the majority of the infectious germs which they thus will contribute to spread; one will be able to then speak about a " aero contamination ", causes major epidemics that we suffer : influenzas, pneumopathies, etc. moreover they are often frightening " allergens ", causes of varied disorders, sometimes tough and serious (asthma, rhinitides...), at the sensitised individuals (allergic). - Except rare exceptions, the macro pollutants are concerned very little with the electric phenomena of which the surrounding atmosphere is the seat, in particular because of the brevity of their stay in this atmosphere. - A the reverse, micro particles - and of course all the micro pollutants - are most of the time strongly implied in these electric phenomena and there play an often essential role (storm...); they cumulate for our organizations the specific effects to their nature (allergic, chemical, bacteriological), and the fundamental effects of the electric charge which they carry (positive, most of the time). - Except accidental case, the macro pollution misses our dwellings and generally of our places of work; it is unfortunately not the same - and far is necessary oneself some - micropollution: recent measurements, made in a systematic way using laser apparatuses of counting, finally made it possible to have an exact idea of the rates of particles present in an air which we thought and hope salubrious, or at the very least " breathable "... The very serious surprise, the word is really not too extremely, was to note that the rates of micropollutants met in the closed buildings, whatever they are - your bedroom like your office or the waiting room of your station, the treatment room of your dentist, or the worse still operating room of such or such hospital complex! - these rates are always and almost without exception much higher than those which one meets in outside, even " very polluted .
The tables II and III summarize extremely well these observations, to tell the truth much more alarming than it appears, since the data of table IV concern bulkiest of the micropolluants, unfortunately fewer. Table 2
Table 3 And this is confirmed perfectly by this table IV which shows us clearly that the micropollution increases of more than one factor 100 when the diameter of the particles passes from 0,5 to 0,05 thousandths of millimetre; still they are measurements in outside, where it is known that this micropollution is definitely weaker than in interior...
Table 4 Circumstance rather aggravating : whereas in salubrious sites the external micropollution comes essentially from natural causes (wind erosion of the ground, vegetable micro fibres in particular), the interior micropollution results from the mixture of these contributions external and the many residues of the urban activity, with the too many interior " sources ": all our wall and floor coverings, furniture, our clothing, multiple familiar objects and... our own body which rejects the old worn skin unceasingly to make place with new. To that, these hosts invisible but quite present are added who are molds, spores, bacteria and virus of any origins, without forgetting of course the dust mites always present, for which the responsibility in many allergies is well established. Our possible consolation could then result from the hope to control one day either the sources of this interior micropollution, or the micropollution itself in the places where it prevails. We will further see this hope is founded and that to be an often abstract science, physics can also bring to us extremely concrete solutions... on condition which they are accepted and actually applied! There is another type of interior micropollution a long time ignored if not neglected, over which a recent report of the Department of Health protection of the C.E.A. (Commission of Atomic Energy, France) very strongly the attention calls. It is radioactive pollution which it acts indeed here, the essential person in charge while being Polonium, solid radioactive "descendant" of the gas radon, natural radioactive body everywhere present, including in the dwellings. Most recent work and investigations of the C.E.A. estimate indeed that only atmospheric radon represents approximately 50 % of the annual amount of radioactivity received by each one of us. In light, that means that the really received amount is of the order of the double of that which one had estimated until there, with all the consequences which an increased and permanent exposure to radiations involves. What to conclude from that? Which measurements is appropriate to consider? The C.E.A. remains extremely discrete on this subject, recalling however that the International Committee of Research on Cancer (C.I.R.C.) recently radon of " Category 1 classified ", i.e. recognized and defined its carcinogenic properties We will reconsider this alarming problem after having considered " the new " pollutant which now makes speak about him for same reasons : insidious, neglected... but carcinogenic proven, asbestos powdery represents a largely widespread danger because of its use in architectural coating. Here still, one will have needed a serious epidemiological investigation, in accordance with too many pulmonary cancers " unexplainable ", so that - at least - are considered prevention or protection measures. In these two cases, among so much of others, physics will offer a solution logical, effective to us, of which it will only depend on us that it is implemented. But let us not anticipate, because it now remains for to us to present the " purple passage "! Who among us, perspiring and suffocating in a too exiguous room, one day of heat wave, did not dream very waked up of a heavenly place where an air delicately refreshed and learnedly distributed would finally ensure us of the working hours joyfully slackened, in the medium of a skilfully recomposed green decoration? Then came the air-conditioners, humidifiers, ventilators, conditioners, which were to finally solve this famous and insoluble problem: fault of being able to build the cities in the countryside, one was going to install the countryside in the cities! One could then profit from this fresh air, healthy, vivifying, but alas out of attack for the majority, thanks to the wonders of technology. Alas! If one believes the happy beneficiaries of them, but also of the organizations far from inclined to systematic pessimism, the situation is sufficiently alarming, even sometimes of a real gravity, so that the implementation of these devices of cleansing was urgently called into question. We do not want to fight here modern means which could and should bring element of a real and appreciable comfort to us. On the other hand, we cannot have any kindness for devices whose recognized harmful effects are too often much higher than the awaited benefits. Two recent reports, coming from qualified organizations, unfortunately confirm testimonies and the lived experiment of a number of increasingly many users. It is first of all the INSERM. (National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France) which, in a conference held September 1986 and entitled " Diseases of the air-conditioners and humidifiers ", brings back the serious problems which these systems pose, in particular in hospital medium. The recycling of the major part of the circulating air, impossibility of retaining the infectious micro pollutants and germs which accompany them, the existence of true " culture mediums " in the vats of humidification, involve an unacceptable risk of dissemination of germs, of which some are particularly dangerous for an already weakened population of patients. It is inter alia " Legionella " (involving a pulmonary infection sometimes mortal), " Serratia " and " Aspergillus " responsible for various pathologies of opportunity in hospital medium, all particularly resistant germs, easily disseminated, being able to cause striking down infections. Precise examples of struck hospital complexes of true fatal epidemics are quoted in the report and the general conclusion of the specialists is at the same time very pessimistic and very alarming. It is clearly known as there that we do not have apparently to date any operational means able to ensure a complete safety of distribution of the air in hospital or clinical medium without speaking of course about the " great sets " of any nature (work, dwelling, etc.) The systematic aggravation of the infectious problems observed in all these establishments, after more than twelve years of vain attempts to contain them, confirms the conclusions of the Services of Health on our current incapacity to control this very serious problem.... The second report emanates from the I.S.T. (Higher Institute of Work, France, 1989) and dealt with " the quality of the air on the place of work ". Three away years, it joined in all points the conclusions of the report of the I.N.S.E.R.M.; it supplements it largely with given concerning the harmful effects tested by an increasing fraction of the people working in the confined buildings with " air conditioning ". Same problem of dissemination of germs (the more or less serious influenza and other viral affections appear in good place), of more or less severe disorders (headaches, migraines, giddiness?s, persistent tiredness, disturb ocular, of the behaviour, irritability, losses of vigilance); the list of " faintnesses " still impressive, is confirmed here by an impotent medical profession to control the situation. Such faintnesses inevitably lead to an increasing medical consultation, whose recognized corollary is an expensive medicinal over consumption, causes secondary faintnesses, generator of habituation, without for all this the " cure " is obtained; it finally has for ultimate perverse effect a loss of output and an increased absenteeism... We are definitely well far from the " air-conditioned paradise " so much hoped! And it is today very seriously alarming to note that with the passing of years, and after the publication of these reports, the great organizations of Health do not cease any more launching cries of alarm also vain only free, the situation not having never ceased degrading itself in spite of the optimistic ....or interested advertisements... And here that to increase this degradation, the proliferation of the screens of data processing occurs, always accompanied by a profusion of furniture, fitted carpet, plastic materials, which develop and maintain a strong electrostatic positive charge, of which we will point out the harmful character unceasingly. We have today, by measurements with the laser, the proof that the interior micropollution is not only dependent on the external conditions ; it results especially from local circumstances depending on each inhabited place and can thus reach... but paradoxically well really a high value within an exceptionally pure external atmosphere. The fact of ventilating vigorously and several times per day the dwelling does not change anything with the situation then, and in a few minutes with more the " standard " micropollution reconstituted itself and perhaps worsened if a supplement of external origin harmful were then introduced. We saw besides that this " obstinacy " of the micropollution to be settled in all places poses with certain " significant " industries problems extremely difficult and expensive to solve, the adopted solutions not being absolute reliability and the risks of incidents always present and often full of consequences. We should absolutely also bring back a very recent series of work made in French and foreign hospital mediums, confirming the gravity of the situation of the people suffering from respiratory diseases, young children and old people particularly. On this problem, took place at Hospital BICHAT, Paris, in 1998, days on" POLLUTION ALLERGIES and HYDROCARBONS ". Work presented relates to primarily the " Stu-dies with epidemiological approach of many populations ", led in France and USA. These works highlights the significant increase in mortality by respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, correlated with the increase in pollution. The hydrocarbons of Diesel aerosols prove to be a powerful primary allergen, and causes of sensitising for many other allergens (production of Ige and cytokines), alarming mechanism for sensitive people in an increasing number . A series of work on " ASTHMA AND POLLUTION " are presented simultaneously at the Teaching hospital of Bordeaux. These works show a significant increase in morbidity and mortality in the micro polluted mediums, for usual conditions of life . One observes systematically an aggravation of symptomatology , even with a rate of pollution lower than the standards of the O.M.S. One also observes a risk very strongly increased for the children. In conclusion, it thus proves that the harmful effects, even dangerous of the pollutants are established and indisputable, even in the case of small quantities, and without effect of threshold . Moreover they involve, in the majority of the cases, additive and synergistic harmful effects. These effects and their aggravation are confirmed by most recent work It now remains for to us to clarify a point of which it is in general very little a question in the congresses, conferences, declarations or directives alarming of the " quality " of the air on our dwelling or places of work. This point, generally considered " detail ", however relates to two made observations an incalculable number of times, and that no fact, no observation never contradicted. - the first observation comes from the physicists of the atmosphere: they noted for a very long time, and checked by many experiments and measurements, the close connection existing between the electric properties of the atmosphere and the presence of aerosols (in general of the natural or technological origin micropollutants) in this atmosphere; these relations as well relate to the air of an office or a room to be slept that the atmospheric mass in which a storm will occur, on the scale close of course. But that one retains this fundamental fact well: the mechanisms brought into play are the same ones, and have the nearly identical consequences. The second observation relates to the relation existing between these two factors, micropollution and electricity, and the disorders, faintnesses, often permanent, sometimes serious, tested by a number growing people remaining in the buildings whose air was "conditioned ", even simply in their dwelling, which no " well indexed " cause manages to explain, and no " therapeutic " to relieve. These disorders and faintnesses are however absolutely real, obviously in the process of growth, and they resist obstinately the chemiotherapic drugs, of which the side effects too often constitute an additional harmful effect! Let us add the effects recognized by the medical profession - and dreaded by certain patients - particular climatic conditions, the such arrival of the foehn for the cardiopulmonary patients, and we will not doubt any more importance of such phenomena on our health, and of the absolute need for a rigorous approach on their subject. Then, why silence on facts that it is not possible any more to dispute? Without any doubt because they relate to two fields apparently very distant and thus without obvious relation : the physics of the atmosphere and the biology of alive, complex disciplines, prerogative of more and more "pointed" specialists, hesitant to leave the field of their specialty . Perhaps also because, concerning directly with health, the problem is not only of fundamental physics or biology... At all events, the problem exists, more and more suffer from it daily, too often without recourse. Then this first assessment of the facts being established, we go, in the lines which follow, to endeavour to approach and to understand the mechanisms concerned, at the same time to satisfy a legitimate curiosity, but also to consider and propose effective solutions which us... nature suggests!
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