And not  " conclusion ", since now, all can be done and  that can open a new chapter of our relationships to the atmosphere! 

 Relations become difficult, ambiguous, sometimes tragic when our  improvidence and our inconsistencies make fatal brutally of  technologies which we let us dream to have finally controlled... 

 But as brutal as is the alarm clock, it should not make us lose our  coolness and our confidence. 

 Because in front of the improvidence and with inconsistencies of much,  remain knowledge, prudence and the determination of some, their will  stubborn person to make known and to prevail the truth, was it  relative, fragile, partial, and often especially disturbing! 

Never without any doubt, science did not place at our  advanced disposal all at the same time an extraordinary knowledge of  the universe, the first true approach of its comprehension and the  control of its forces. 

 But never undoubtedly a crawling obscurantism and stubborn person did  not lay out of so effective means, and  of such an attentive and  benevolent audience, joined to the active complicity of those with  which benefits the maintenance from the " statu quo "....   


 Then let us remember, under a realism which excludes the idealism by  no means, but allows him if necessary to continue to express itself,  that we do not have finally anything more nor of less to save that  ourselves! 

Such a mission seems to me completely estimable, and it is with this  mission that I ask you to take part, by receiving  this  long, very long message, but also, and it will be the most  invaluable reward for  all, while making an effort that it is  transmitted and understood by all those which wait and hope... 




Pessac,  September 2001


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