AIR IN DANGER_______ _____
In Memoriam To Haroun Tazieff
who realized too late that frequentation of the air-conditioned hotels is much more dangerous than that of all the craters volcanoes of planet !
Although frequentation of the physicists is surely hardly more resting, he made me the honour re-examine the manuscript of this work, thus bringing to me the fruits of a solid experiment, and of a teaching talent whose experts know the price .
May he find the insurance here of my gratitude and my attachment with our common combat. May he find there too feelings of friendship and regard for the man whose courage never failed.
I have the chance to be a species of tower of health. However, at the moment, I come back from Japan, from where I bring back an influenza harmful like all, collected on the foot of the Unzen volcano, which we had gone to study. But the eruption does not have nothing to do with this business: the influenza, which destroyed me during ten days, I collected it in an air conditioned hotel... A hotel with American - Japan, after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, aligned itself on the United States - hotel of glass and steel built on the site of the one of these traditional thermal baths, called over there o-furo, which strews this volcanic archipelago, hot water that all the population uses in an intense way and who are perhaps one of the reasons why Japanese are also solid. Therefore at least were it before the era of the air conditioning Many are the people, doctors included, who for a long time realized that the " air-conditioned " air seemed in the beginning many colds, migraines, bronchi tides, influenzas, allergies. Everyone, or almost - and myself when I took this evil with Kyu-Shu at this beginning of August 1991 - believed that these diseases came from the cold in which, coming from an outside hot and wet, one was brutally plunged. As which was not my surprise while reading in this book of Jacques Breton as the air conditioning was well, as much think it already, a harmful effect of great scale but not at all because of the differences in temperature: because of the particles microscopic, even ultramicroscopic, in suspension in any inhabited room. Some of these micropolluants are, by their nature even, aggressive, but those which could not have been it, are it because they transport pathogenic germs, virus, bacteria, moulds, etc The air pollution is a thing which I know somewhat: since, vulcanologist beginning, I understood that the gases were, alone, the active element of the eruptions (and not lava which, for sumptuous that they are, are never but one entirely passive component) and that I consequently devoted the essence of my efforts to their study. I thus did not fall, by reading the Air in Danger, in a completely unknown field of me. The more so as, as a departmental elected official, occupying me since a half-dozen of years of the questions raised by pollution in general - that of water, that of the grounds, but also that of the air - this micropollution is essential me as much as the macro pollution by particles larger than... microns, this micropollution that the modern society increasingly frightening product bulk. And not only industries but from now on each citizen: we all are pollutants I thus knew various things, more certainly that the average citizen about the micropollution, but the book of Jacques Breton taught me much from it that I was unaware of. And above all, the pathogenic role of these micro particles and the major harmful effect that which is the " conditioning ", unceasingly, brews an air upon the departure vitiated by the positively charged particles which it carries, and becomes it more as it passes and passes by again by a humanity of which it collects not only the carbon dioxide produced by breathing, like all sweat, but also the germs which it carries in it or on it. I learned the role from the positive ions and the negative ions, the generally harmful first, the second beneficial ones: this role, I was unaware of it completely. Breton, as a physicist, explains us in a very clear way it why and it how of this action, action negative of the positive ions, positive action of the negative ions ! This paradox is of a nature only semantic and, by reading Jacques Breton, you will understand that without sorrow no, even if you do not have any knowledge in these matters. It popularises excellent way indeed. It popularises like only, when they want to do it, the researchers can it. Because the only good " popularisation " of the science which that is to say can be the work only of the researcher himself, because only knows to him perfectly what it speaks. Better than whoever. Even most learned of the professors - a fortiori of the journalists, including those which are said " scientific ", cannot claim to control subjects which they do not know, at best, which with second hand, through original articles written by the researchers, but generally of third or fourth hand, by articles of popularisation, treaties or handbooks. Another revelation of importance that Jacques Breton brings to us in this book, it is it why role, harmful for health, much more harmful than one thinks it, of the screens of television set, computer, minitel or text processing: always positive ions. These warnings, and these scientifically rational explanations constitute a contribution which I estimate of first order at our knowledge of the dangers which surround us. But there is one " more " major importance: the discovery of the parade and how to protect itself: Breton Jacques, indeed, found the means at the same time of preventing and of curing the effects of the harmful effects generated by the particles with positive electric charge. He invented and developed an instrument of a simplicity which astounds me and which, in two seconds, replaces in the part where one starts it these harmful effects electropositive by the well-being which the negative oxygen ions get. Hundreds of million people all over the world will be able from now on to go well who, up to now, went badly.
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