It is old, almost as old as the Earth as it wraps and  protects as well from the mortal cold of the space as of the fatal  radiation of the Sun...

 Because if it distributes us without reserve vital oxygen, we forget  too easily which delicate balances it has the role of maintaining,  allowing the life to open out and triumph since soon three billion  years. 

 It protects the Earth and it was born from the Earth ! 

 But what is necessary for the life - in any case with that which  occurred on our Earth - to appear and develop, to build increasingly  complex organizations and to lead to the intelligence? 

 Three fundamental elements:  carbon, hydrogen, oxygen.   It  will be necessary to associate to them a little nitrogen, phosphorus,  calcium, iron or magnesium, some pinches of elements with subtle  functions... and all will be able to start! 

 Remain however two large, very big problems, which it will absolutely  be necessary to solve, so that the life does not keep a completely  primitive form, confined in the marine environment protective, feeder,  but terribly constraining...

It is initially the problem of oxygen, essential  at terrestrial organizations which it will ensure the supply in  energy, making it possible to resist broad variations in temperature  and ensuring the operation of complex bodies.  But it is also and as  much the problem of the intense ultraviolet radiation, poured with  profusion by a young overflowing Sun of energy! 

 Because no organic life resists the degradation caused by  such a radiation and the primitive, transparent atmosphere with the  ultraviolet ray, would absolutely not have authorized the appearance  of the least terrestrial life. 

 Then?  He well, once again, after much from others, Nature - or his  Large Organizer - will show us that she did not leave definitely  anything randomly! 

Remember:  " ordinary " oxygen, that of which the primitive atmosphere  comprises only some traces, counts two atoms:  it is the molecule 02  .

 But there exists also a very particular " variety  " of oxygen whose molecule counts either two but three atoms:  it is  also a gas, ozone. 

 And it is there that the business becomes really  extraordinary:  how is born indeed ozone? 

 Quite simply, if statement is dared, starting from the molecule of  oxygen struck by the solar ultraviolet radiation.   Indeed,  under the action of this radiation, 3 molecules of oxygen, cash thus 6  atoms, will give 2 ozone molecules:  the account is good.  

 This occurs in fact at high altitude (above twenty-five kilometres),  where ozone thus could settle. 

 Is this all?  He well not!  Because essence will come now    this ozone, which has just been born under the impact from the solar  ultraviolet ray, is a body strongly absorbent of this solar  ultraviolet ray, in particular " hard " radiations more, mortals for  any living organism. 

 Thus the loop is buckled, and this molecule of oxygen - moreover  passably extraordinary - will bring all for which the life had an  imperative need to develop out of water.  Indeed, after essential  oxygen will have been gradually set up, the " layer " of ozone, which  will not cease any more being present, will let filter and arrive on  the ground only very weak quantity of ultraviolet ray, whose alive  world will be able to be protected... and which it will use if  necessary for its needs! 

If it is thus an essential fact of which we are  henceforth absolutely certain, it is that our life - or our survival -  holds with two small things that we were forgetting:  a beautiful  colored molecule, the chlorophyll of the plants, creative  permanent of  essential oxygen, and a thin layer of ozone very old and very fragile. 

 However, without this layer of ozone, no more chlorophyll,  without chlorophyll, no more oxygen, without oxygen, no more life.    In front of that, we cannot ANYTHING

 What do you think about it? 


Thus, it is absolutely certain that, without ozone, no life  could have been born and develop on our planet.   He well,  it however should be recalled that ozone is also one of the natural  substances most completely unsuitable maintaining the life, and  that it is with the surplus perfectly able to  destroy it....

Remember:  an ozone molecule, it is a molecule of  oxygen thus comprising 2 atoms, which acquired a third atom of oxygen.   Such a molecule is unstable, because it is created by  absorbing an energy which it will store, as well as mini-bends;  this energy  will come here from the solar radiation always available, in other  cases from sources of natural electric energy (storms) or artificial  (generators of very high voltages, industrialists or others).   In upper atmosphere, that gives us the protective coating  about which I already spoke you:  the effect is then perfectly  beneficial, no doubt with that! 

But here!   In lower atmosphere, two  micropolluants at least are too often pre-sent:  hydrocarbon aerosols  badly burned by our heating's and our engines, and various oxides of  nitrogen born of the high temperature of the gases burned and  rejected into the atmosphere.   Under the influence of the  solar radiation and in the presence of these two pollutants, true  accessory, our local oxygen is transformed into ozone, whose  biochemical properties do one of the most dangerous pollutants than we  have to fight or avoid.   Why that? 

Because ozone is " oxidizing " terribly  powerful.   In the presence of materials, inert or alive, able  to fix oxygen (that with which our organization is abundantly  furnished), ozone breaks up immediately into an " ordinary " molecule  of oxygen, without particular effects, and a " oxygen incipient " in  form atomic, able to burn literally and irremediably all that it will  reach.   It could be for example the mucous membranes of our  respiratory tracts, or the cornea of our eyes, whose natural defenses  are alas completely impotent opposite this aggression.  And this with  concentrations as weak as 1 ozone molecule for 10 Million molecules of  air.  However atmosphere of  many urban or industrial sites,  or that of closed buildings in which a photocopier functions, comprise   ozone rates exceeding too often largely this value.

Element to be protected at all costs in  upper atmosphere, it thus proves which ozone is the element to be  eliminated at all costs from the air that we breathe... and which of  course we must absolutely avoid to get in ! 

 We do not have there, once again, one of these extraordinary  paradoxes which nature seems to be attached to our benefit... and often  also for our distress?! 





 Above all, point out what is our atmosphere today:  a mixture  of 80 % of nitrogen  (N2) , 19 % of oxygen (O2), 1 % approximately of argon and other rare gases,  vapor of water and multitude of undesirable products which we do not  cease pouring there!   Let us not forget obviously carbon  dioxide (CO 2), unceasingly  rejected by the volcanoes but also residue of combustions, whose  temperature regulator role of our sphere is an extreme subject.   Here for the actors. 

Each one of them has, if I dare  statement, its character, its manias.   Thus, oxygen is  extremely fond of delicacies electrons;  you will have thus much  sorrow to find an electron solitary ambling in the countryside.  As  soon as appeared, as soon as devoured by a molecule of oxygen which  becomes thus the " famous " negative ion which we will write  henceforth (do not forget, the physicists are sparing):  (O2-).  However this ion is very stable and lasts long  " life" :  its possible effects are obviously increased by it by as  much.   Let us add that it readily joins several molecules  water, that the ambient air contains always more or less, thus giving  a very mobile " small ion ", very sensitive to the presence of foreign  electric charges, in particular positive.

Conversely, the nitrogen is not fond of delicacies electrons.   If of adventure you manage to him to hang one of them, it  gets rid some in less one millionth of second!  Of course, struck by a  radiation, the molecule of nitrogen of the air loses an electron and  gives a positive ion (N2+) .  Although  shorter than that of the ion (02-), the "  lifespan " of the ion (N2+) is  sufficient to enable him to exert its influence on the other  components of the atmosphere.   Decided well to find its  neutrality one moment compromised, our molecule (N2+) goes, benefiting from the presence of various  undesirable molecules (sulfuretted compounds, oxides of nitrogen, etc), to  take an electron on an innocent atom of hydrogen implied well in spite  of him in this business.   Its achieved larceny, our molecule  of neutral nitrogen become again... and anonymity, will await the next  impact wisely, while hydrogen, become positive proton, will hasten to  hide its nudity... in water! 

Conversely, the nitrogen is not fond of delicacies electrons.   If of adventure you manage to him to hang one of them, it  gets rid some in less one millionth of second!  Of course, struck by a  radiation, the molecule of nitrogen of the air loses an electron and  gives a positive ion (N2+).  Although  shorter than that of the ion (02-), the "  lifespan " of the ion (N2+)  is  sufficient to enable him to exert its influence on the other  components of the atmosphere.   Decided well to find its  neutrality one moment compromised, our molecule (N2+)  goes, benefiting from the presence of various  undesirable molecules (sulfuretted compounds, oxides of nitrogen, etc), to  take an electron on an innocent atom of hydrogen implied well in spite  of him in this business.   Its achieved larceny, our molecule  of neutral nitrogen become again... and anonymity, will await the next  impact wisely, while hydrogen, become positive proton, will hasten to  hide its nudity... in water!

  It will reach that point while being surrounded of a  certain number of water molecules always present, thus giving a "small positive ion " to long lifespan... except capture by the  micro pollutants or the ground.   Not simple, this genesis of  positive ions!  Admittedly, but thanks to the presence in the air of  four molecules of nitrogen for a molecule of oxygen, four chances to  have an electron easy to obtain, captured at once by a perfectly  miserly oxygen as of his, and thinking only of becoming a negative ion! 

 That lasts since more than three billion years, and the birth  and the development of the life on ground obviously integrated this  completely fundamental factor. 

 Well!  We thus have an air containing a certain proportion, very  stable moreover, ions oxygenates with its own characteristics . 

 But we also have " on the arms" aqueous"  positive ions (H+)   of which we would like to know what to make!   Patience!  Nature took care of the problem, in order to  preserve the ions oxygenates, for which it had remote but precise  projects. 

  Let us reconsider one moment the structure of our atmosphere.  

 Table N° IX schematises the situation created by the positive loads  coming from the Sun and by the storms, and the consequences which it  comprises:  the ground will invincibly attract the positive loads of  the vicinity and will push back the negative charges.  :  the ground will invincibly attract the positive loads of  the vicinity and will push back the negative charges.  

A state of local balance will settle then;  in the absence of  additional sources of electrons, " small positive and negative ions "  will be of about equal numbers, with a light prevalence of the  positive ions near the ground, numbers close to the thousand per cm  3 of air, extremely stable value in not polluted  natural environments.   In the presence of " additional "  sources of electrons (which we will see soon), it is the prevalence of  a negative ionization of the air which one observes then, with a  certain number of consequences of which we will also speak again. 

 But that one is not mistaken there:  such mechanisms do not function  in a way regular, harmonious, only if the air remains pure of any  stain, accidental or deliberated, and in the absence of strong  disturbances.   Is it then surprising that the behavior and  the state of the alive beings are subject to the same rules? 

Table 9


 A question came certainly to you to mind since already a moment:  these ions of oxygen and nitrogen whose reality isn't obviously  contestable, from which thus come they, which created them? 

   If you look at table N° X, you will see gathered the natural causes of  the ionization of the air, that one can group in two categories.


Table 10


1 -  Causes implementing a very energy radiation or  particles:  cosmic rays, solar U.V., natural radioactivity of the  rocks, radon contained in the air.   In all these cases, an  electron will be torn off by the " shock " of the incidental particle  or by " the impact " of the radiation, giving of course rise to a "  pair of ions" :  they will be generally a positive ion nitrogenises  and a violently expelled electron, but which will very quickly be  acquired by a molecule of oxygen becoming thus a negative ion (02-)  .   The number of pairs of ions  thus created varies, on the sea level, from two to a few tens produced per second and per millilitre (or Cm3) of air. 

 2 -  The other natural causes, which operate with energies much  weaker, but whose contribution is however essential, though variable  with the place, are: 

 - the chlorophyllous function of all the plants which leads in  particular to the rejection of  (02-) in the atmosphere.

- the Lenard effect, concerning the rain and the cascades.   The friction of the air on the water drops, the impact of  those on the ground or the rocks, tear off electrons with these drops;  their positive load is captured at once by the ground while the  electrons of course are immediately trapped by oxygen. 

-              the effect of point or Corona effect:  the positively charged upper  atmosphere unceasingly attracts the electrons, those of the ground in  particular.   Any object fixed on the ground and driver of the  current, rising and finishing points some (lightning conductor, sheets  of graminaceous and all conifers, etc.)  will see the electrons come  from the ground to accumulate at the top of the point and, under the  influence of their mutual repulsion, to be torn off with this point  and to gain the atmosphere to be captured at once there by oxygen (see  table N°  XI). 

Table 11



 Well, very well, you say you!  But  to remove electrons of the  ground unceasingly and  to dispatch to him without stop positive charges, how can there remain to him still only one valid  electron? 

He well, for once, nature did not haggle over the means and the large  spectacle offers to us:  it is with the storm that it entrusted the  responsibility to restore " wholesale" and very quickly what it  gently takes on the ground .

Table N° XII is a diagram very simplified but faithful of  this superb and noisy phenomenon.   And the wonder is that  once again, it is the water which will be responsible for this  phenomenon! 

Table 12

 Water in drops liquidate with the lower part of the gigantic cloud  (the typical " cumulonimbus"), the crystals of ice to the higher part. 

 Agitating all that, formidable ascending draughts, of which all the  measurements made by the embarked apparatuses on board planes, the  gust proof, show that the crystals of ice of the top of the cloud have  an enormous positive load, while the drops or droplets of the base  carry a not less enormous negative charge. 

 What can it then arrive?  Just until you wait.   Torn off by  the monstrous electric forces,  packages of electrons are  precipitated towards the positive parts of the cloud;  the brutality  of their passage violently overheats the air which becomes luminous  about it:  it is the flash;  the shock of the air to the passage of  the " packages " of electrons generates what well wrongly causes the  most fear:  thunder. 

 And the lightning?

He well, it is the same thing, except that the " packages  " of electrons join the ground, with great crash, thus restoring blow  by blow to him the invaluable electrons which it will again be able  and unceasingly to redistribute in the atmosphere (in fact, 90 % of  the thunderbolts are " with electrons"). 

 Our Earth being prone daily to several thousands of storms, it never  risked, and does not risk more, to miss electrons!... 

 With this " refill " of the Earth - in fact, of its surface primarily  - a strong injection of electrons in the lower atmosphere is added,  under the effect of the abundant rains which accompany in particular  the end of the storms:  this circumstance makes it possible to restore  quickly and intensely the normal negative density of the air, that the  initial phase of the storm had brutally reversed.   Besides we  will see at which point these successive phases resound on the  physiological state of certain particularly sensitive individuals and  crosschecks the observations made in artificially charged atmospheres,   either positively, or negatively. 




 It was a long time difficult - if not impossible - to as well measure  with precision the ionization rate of the air as the nature and the  quantity of micro pollutants present. 

 Difficult to measure, the atmospheric charge is undoubtedly:  it is  always weak, very easily disturbed in particular by the measuring  equipment if extreme precautions are not taken - and it requires at  the same time delicate materials to use, rare operators having long  experience, a careful interpretation. 

 This most probably explains the rather extraordinary divergences  between the results obtained by the many biologists having tried  experiments in artificially ionized mediums, but not having the  control essential of  the physical devices to be implemented. 

 It is fortunately less difficult to operate in external atmosphere and  the results obtained are of a very good fidelity.   In  particular, it is noticed very quickly besides that ionization  characterizes very definitely certain sites and makes it possible to  observe very interesting correlations with their healthiness... or on  the contrary certain duly recognized disadvantages. 

In insulated countryside, in low altitude, the negative  average density is 1 to 1,5 a thousand of ions (02-)  by cm3 of air, also current value in forest of aired  plain, where it can however reach 3 to 5 thousands per cm  the nature of the ground also playing a role on this level.   

 On average mountain (1000 to 1500 meters of altitude), in zones  carrying conifers (fir trees in particular), the negative density is  very often high:  from 5 to 8 thousands of negative ions per cm 3  and can reach the 10 thousands. 

 In the presence of cascades where the wrenching of electrons involves  the existence of very strong local densities:  from 10 to 50 thousands  of ions (0 2 -  by Cm3 in a perimeter of  several tens to a hundred of meters, according to the importance of  the cascade. 

 Raised densities, from 5 to 10 thousands per cm3, are also recorded on  snow, by sky clearly in particular. 

 In edge of sea, in calm weather and in the absence of spray, one  finds from 2 to 4 thousands of negative ions per cm  

On the other hand, the wind of sea bringing of the spray causes in  general a brutal inversion of electric charge;   pulled by the wind, the salted  water microdots evaporates, leaving a salt grain positively charged (frictions on the air), enough light to remain  suspended in the air and to accumulate there, thus involving the  inversion of charge of the local atmosphere, and its consequences among  certain patients. 


 We stop one moment to point out a fact of observation as fundamental  as systematic.   In all places where reign this atmosphere  with strong density in " small ions ", generally with negative  preponderance, the micropollution of the air is always weak,  and even extremely weak ,  of less than 1000 particles per  liter with approximately 2000, according to the sites, the ground, the  wind.   It is an interesting value there, to compare with the  micropollution measured in our offices or our dwellings, where it is  100 to  500 times higher...

This astonishing relation between a negative density that it  is necessary well to describe as strictly normal, and the weakness of  the micropollution, is a physical fact completely some, but full of  consequences.  It characterizes, without any exception   the places that the secular experiment recognized healthy,  salubrious, even able to restore our failing health at the time of  these too short stays which are the " cures "... 

 Let us add to that that the micropolluants met on these places are in  near total of natural origin, and that, so the living organisms which  introduce them developed very long date necessary immunizing defences. 

 Now let us cross this " threshold of healthiness " illustrated on  table N° XIII, and enter a quite different world, not very attractive,  but which is more and more that in which we live. 


We observe there the brutal fall of the density of small negative ions  ;   from a few hundreds of ions per cm 3 of  surrounding air, in urban sites " light " and deprived of sources of  industrial pollution, this density falls at a few tens per cm  3 in apartments or offices not air-conditioned and without  smokers, to break down with some negative ions per cm  extremely low residual value, in the air-conditioned  buildings. 

 Serious in itself, in particular for the pulmonary gaseous exchange  where (02-) plays an essential role, this  shortage of negative ions is severely worsened by the presence of a  positive charge in general considerable, systematically related to the  presence of a strong density of micropolluants .

It is observed indeed that the positive  densities, recorded in the places thus affected, are always higher  than 1 a thousand of positive charges per cm 3 of air,  and reach 5 thousands per cm 3 in certain buildings  equipped with air-conditioning or ventilation. 


Table 13


 Such values are extremely alarming, and emerge besides for the people  concerned, on multiple faintnesses or disorders on which it becomes  increasingly difficult to maintain silence or the denial. 

 We will return there.   But we must mark this stage in our  progression well before, because it reflects at the same time a  completely fundamental physical fact for our atmosphere and an  extremely alarming situation for the future of our health. The two proposals which follow then summarize in a brutal but  indisputable way the currently known experimental facts, in an  unquestionable and systematically checked way : 

- a salubrious atmosphere always has weak  or very weak micropollution, joined to the only presence of small ions  of the two signs, of which a negative charge higher than 1,5 a  thousand of negative ions per cm 3 of air,  presenting in addition quasi therapeutic properties for densities  higher than 5 thousands of negative ions per cm 3   

 - an atmosphere found unhealthy always presents  strong or very strong micropollution, joined to quasi an absence of  small in particular negative ions, and to a clear positive charge higher  than 500 large positive ions per cm 3 of air,  generally ranging between 1 and 5 thousands of positive ions per cm  3   


 We now should understand the origin of such a situation if we  want to give each other the means of bringing remedy there.    For that, let us reconsider one moment the behavior of the  micropolluants and their relationships to the electric charges, in the  closed places. 

Table N° XIV summarizes the two essential mechanisms by which a  particle present in the air is likely all to acquire a positive charge,  preferably with a negative charge.   We will deal here with  the micropolluants present in an inhabited or attended room, since it  is there that they will accumulate and that we will have to suffer  from their effects. 

Table 14

 Same manner as in free atmosphere, the various radiations, radon, the  abrasion caused by ventilation, will tear off one or more electrons  with the present micro particles:  those thus will acquire the  equivalent positive load, becoming what the physicist Paul Langevin  had called " large positive ions ".   Unfortunately, these  large ions are far from mobile, in any case not more than the particle  which supports them, while electrons and oxygen that transports them  are very light, very mobile, easily captured by the surrounding  objects which eliminate them. 

Thus an over density of positive charges is established quickly, dependent  on the micropolluants present, and like them able to remain very, very  a long time, and to renew themselves. 

 The second means for a micro particle of becoming a large positive ion,  it is... to capture a small positive ion created according to the  processes described above.   It is a mechanism which will  occur in particular in the vicinity of the data-processing video  screens, of the television sets colour, of the photocopiers, sources  powerful of U.V.  and of ozone in addition! 

 The positive charge, thus acquired by the micropolluants  present, is in general weak or moderate;  however, by electric  repulsion between identical charges, it vigorously slows down any  mechanism of agglomeration of the particles between them, and any  chance of fall towards a ground of which we will see that it is hardly  " accessible besides "!  Such an effect is particularly harmful in the  case of the aerosols ( liquid microdots) polluting or toxic:  hydrocarbons, acid fogs, etc, which will thus tend to stagnate very a  long time, fault of being able to condense in enough heavy drops to  return on the ground .

And now, let us see what occurs permanently in our  apartments, our offices, our places of dwelling, where precisely and  unfortunately a strong micropollution and a strong positive load are  always simultaneously present. 

 Table N°  XV schematises this situation;  let us  specify that the absence of television set or air-conditioning  decreases certainly the positive load, but that this one alas  preserves a completely unacceptable value in all the cases

Table 15

 The ground is almost always insulating.   Traversed, pressed,  rubbed, it fatally will lose electrons, carried and run out by the  various drivers present:  pipeline water and of electricity, central heating  radiators, and you who, in all innocence, will pour them in  more accessible places! 

 In short, very quickly, an overload, which can be significant and of  positive sign, will appear and remain stable.   Never forget  indeed but if the electron can go and come, with an extreme facility,  the positive charges, related to the cores of the matter atoms, are  literally riveted with this one and can almost never escape some! 

 Then be not astonished if the clear charge which settles very quickly in  a room is positive! 

And if, in order to increase your  comfort, you have a system of air-conditioning or ventilation, the "  turbinate " micropolluants violently will have lost their electrons,  trapped by the surrounding conducting structures, and will liberally  feed you in positive loads of which they will be the innocent  vehicle...

 Add to that a fitted carpet thick and soft, a  made deep settee of a superb synthetic fabric, light your television  set colour and perhaps also a cigarette.....


 Good, I stop there, because my electronic probe is likely to explode  if, seized of curiosity and perhaps also of a vague fear, you asked me  to show some measurements.... oh just! 

I should however bring an additional precision here.   When I quote the " micropolluants ", I speak of course about  the whole of the particles present in an atmosphere;  however these  particles comprise, in a variable number with the place and the  circumstances, of the alive elements, viruses, bacteria, moulds, etc,  including one certain number, baptized " aero germ carriers ", are  really dangerous, either that they cause serious infections, or which  they start of the severe allergies. 

 However we know that these aero germ carriers charged positively, like  any other particle, follows the fate and to become to it those, which   constitute besides a support and an ideal vehicle for their  dissemination! 

 It is thus hardly astonishing that an increasing number of social  welfare,  companies and of course all the mediums of Health  are worried more and more problem of which they undergo the impact and  the consequences, without laying out for all that solutionIt appears to me in fact much more astonishing than it should so  much have been awaited so that one  evokes finally a situation  from which people suffer since too a long time. 

 It is observed indeed that the  positive densities, recorded in the places thus affected, are always  higher than 1 a thousand of positive charge per cm 3  of air, and reach 5 thousands per cm 3 in certain  buildings equipped with air-conditioning or ventilation. 

  Such values are extremely alarming, and emerge besides for the people  concerned, on multiple faintnesses or disorders on which it becomes  increasingly difficult to maintain silence or the denial. 

 We will return there.   But we must mark this stage in our  progression well before, because it reflects at the same time a  completely fundamental physical fact for our atmosphere, and an  extremely alarming situation for the future of our health. The two proposals which follow then summarize in a brutal but  indisputable way the currently known experimental facts, in an  unquestionable and systematically checked way. 

- a salubrious atmosphere always has weak  or very weak micropollution, joined to the only presence of small ions  of the two signs, of which a negative charge higher than 1,5 a  thousand of negative ions per cm 3 of air,  presenting in addition quasi therapeutic properties for densities  higher than 5 thousands of negative ions per cm 3   

 - an atmosphere found unhealthy always presents  strong or very strong micropollution, joined to quasi an absence of  small - in particular negative -  ions, and to a clear positive charge higher  than 500 large positive ions per cm 3 of air,  generally ranging between 1 and 5 thousands of positive ions per cm  3  .

I would not like to finish this  chapter without reconsidering natural phenomena where micropolluants  and electric charges, closely dependent, have effects sometimes very  significant, often known since strong a long time, on the health of  interested populations. 

 They are in particular the effects observed at the time of  the arrival of typical winds of some regions : 

 the Foehn on all Alps of the South,

 the "Autan" wind on the Pyrenees,

 the Sharav, come from the desert of the Sinai, in Israel, the Khamsin  in Egypt. 

 It is obviously not only, but in addition to they are  familiar for us, they are the causes of physiological phenomena, turbid   varied sometimes serious, which to date are indexed  perfectly by the medical profession, and objects of studies very  followed on behalf of many institutes of research, located around the  Mediterranean basin in particular. 

The alpine foehn, as its Pyrenean  version the Autan wind, occurs in the desert parts of the north of  Africa, to the borders of the Sahel.   The intense heating of  the ground in diurnal period, the very small relative humidity of the  air, facilitate immense upward movements of this air, the formation of  very strong turbulences and the drive of enormous quantities of  micro-dusts up to 10 or 15 km of altitude. 

 The presence of a significant anticyclone on the Eastern  Mediterranean, joined to low pressures on the near Atlantic , involve the increase of powerful masses of African air, overloaded in  altitude of the micro-dusts collected on the continent. 

   Crossing the Mediterranean, they reach the Pyrenees in the west, Swiss and Tyrolean  Alps in the east, and give in particular extraordinarily luminous sky . The vision of the snow-covered Swiss or Tyrolean Alps  when the foehn occurs is a spectacle of a  rare beauty which know and appreciate the mountain dwellers... and  those which like a certain light. 

This illumination of the sky is due obviously to the intense  diffusion of sunlight by the innumerable micro particles present in the  upper atmosphere. 

 And it is without surprise that, from 24 to 48 hours later, one sees  occurring the rain, but a quite particular rain, overloaded with these micro particles and leaving, when it evaporates, a fine powdery layer  of ochre colour on all things...

 It is there the aesthetic aspect, almost poetic of the things!  But if  it is looked at there more closely, or if there is the responsibility  for a centre of cure of pulmonary patients for example, one very  quickly knows what the arrival of a " blow of foehn" represents ... 

 The electrical measurements show indeed that, 24 to 36 hours before  the establishment of the foehn, the density of charges of the atmosphere  is reversed almost brutally before the arrival of the micro particles;  going down again from the stratosphere where it obviously acquired a  strong positive charge, the air restores it with the lower atmosphere,  destroying at the same time the negative charges usually present.

This situation lasts in general two days, after which the  rain occurs which gives all things in order, and makes it possible the  lower atmosphere to find its usual negative charge. 

 The problems arising to the cardiopulmonary patients and to their  doctors, on such occasions, are too known so that I insist on them.   Let us recall only that many centers of cures in France, in  Switzerland, in Austria, in Israel, to quote only those, have collected  since several tens of years, the results of regular observations;  these results show that a considerable increase in the number of the  cardiovascular and pulmonary accidents results quasi systematically  from the arrival of the foehn (or of the sharav in Israel). 

   It is important however to note that these accidents occur primarily  before the establishment of the characteristic wind,  and before the arrival of the micro-dusts, brought especially by  the rain which makes continuation;  these facts thus seem to exclude,  or at least to reduce very strongly, the clean action of this  micro-dusts on the behavior of the patients.  It is thus extremely probable that here still, as in good of  other circumstances, the role of the positive load on the gaseous  exchange of a sick lung must be seriously re-examined for a convenient  intervention. 


 Such examples - joints with much of others - must undoubtedly  lengthily be contemplated..... 

 In particular by all those, many, supposed qualified and often "  persons in charge ", who persist in against any obviousness thinking,  but especially  to claim, that these phenomena are to some  extent the folklore of physics. 

 By those which, resigned and sometimes discouraged by the first, think  that we are disarmed in front of a kind of fate.   By those  finally which, exactly informed of the facts of the case, if not of  its possible solutions, neglect or refuse, for " various " reasons,  the study and least implemented of such solutions. 

But while time is lost, the evil progresses!  I will finish  this matter by the recall of a short official statement of the French  Ministry of Health, diffused on a chain of television in April 1990,  which alas did not lose anything of its topicality: 

 " the services of the Ministry and the medical environments are very  worried about the regular growth, very significant during this last  winter, however particularly soft, of the rhino pharynges disorders of  the young children, disturb often accompanied by pulmonary  complications." 

 This alarming report did not cease any more being confirmed, without  for as much are adopted other thing that... projects of  resolutions !... 


 How long still " the blue planet " will it be able to accommodate us? 


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