It is always instructive to examine closely the arguments known as " of good direction ": they generally lead to comical conclusions... or dangerous, very seldom with advantageous discoveries for those which suffer. Here a first example. We know all that as we rise in the atmosphere, the pressure of the air decreases, and with it the quantity of oxygen available. Between 1000 and 1200 meters of altitude, this quantity of oxygen available decreased by approximately 18 % compared to the sea level. On the other hand, we recall that the rate of micropollution is generally very weak, the negative ionization rate very high. Except these three factors, whose only one with " officially " being recognized is obviously the pressure, other factors - hygrometry, temperature, wind, sunning, etc .do not differ hardly on average from those which one meets " in bottom ". An organization tired, depressed, subjected by the constraints of the urban environment to a permanent under-oxygenation, imperatively needs a periodic return to a normal oxygenation. It could even be necessary to impose an auxiliary oxygen treatment to him, by enriching the ordinary air by a supplement of pure oxygen. No one would not have the absurd idea to then propose a stay in depression chamber, where one would lower the rate of oxygen from 15 to 20 %!... in spite of the moderate cost of such a stay " in altitude ". Therefore the stay - especially prolonged - of an organization tired on average mountain, at an altitude from 1200 to 1500 m, is absolutely to proscribe ! All things considered, in the name of the " good direction ", consolidated by the data of the physiology of breathing, it seems completely excluded to observe a favorable effect then! However we know all, to have lived it, which extraordinary well-being we test finally in this air however " rarefied ", but so pure, so " light ". Would this be thus a simple illusion, a " psychic " effect? This last aspect is certainly not negligible, but its possible impact remains completely marginal. Whereas does it remain ? Could it be for example that the barometric pressure plays finally only one rather secondary role, the first roles being then held by... ionization and the quasi absence of micropollution, only able to allow an excellent oxygenation under a pressure of air already definitely reduced? In nap dreadful a good direction should already have warned to us: " Why to have much oxygen good if one can't use it well?" Question how the unhappy inhabitants of these places of altitude, private of air without appearing to suffer from it, could pose to people " of in bottoms " provided so much better! But which wanted, in the world " of in bottom ", to draw a conclusion from it and from there a rule of life? And which will be able to deny that it is easy, too easy, to absorb a tablet anti ache, a capsule of tranquillizing: it is enough to read a dosage and to swallow the tablet or the capsule, by hoping that the relief will come and that the " remedy " too often renewed will not involve a worse evil. This undoubtedly brings me to the second paradox, less obvious, and which always fits in these crazes of physicist of which I do not manage to demolish myself! The ionization of the atmosphere has been known and studied for soon a century, its effects on the living organisms studied and known for more than seventy years . Thousands of work and publications clarified this subject, work very often due to men of science of world fame, forts of a solid knowledge and with a wealth of an immense experiment. Of this innumerable work arises the completely convergent experimental conclusions that the remarks or lived never cancelled - the negative oxygen ions are always present in an atmosphere healthy, salubrious, with a density all the more high since the atmosphere is purer; - no experiment never could highlight the least harmful character of negative the oxygen ions, neither on the animals nor on the human ones, even with the most considerable densities and after durations amounting of tens of years - all the observations, made on exceptionally salubrious recognized sites, places of " cures " of all kinds relating to the pulmonary diseases particularly, showed the double systematic presence of a high negative ionization, associated with a very weak local micropollution of the air; - the presence of a strong excess of large positive ions and the correlative disappearance of the negative oxygen ions always occur in the places where reign a significant micropollution; - the subjects placed in an atmosphere with strong positive overcharge (animals or human) quickly express disorders or varied faintnesses, being able to become serious in the event of prolonged exposure. The return to an atmosphere with negative prevalence involves the disappearance of these disorders or faintnesses and the restoration of the health; - these disorders and faintnesses occur in a number growing at the people of which working conditions and the environment comprise a strong well identified micropollution, and the electric imbalance of the ambient air which in results ; - these disorders and faintnesses are particularly raised in the closed buildings provided with systems of recycling of the air and where function strong sources of positive ions (video screens in particular).
It thus is currently allowed to affirm, not under a free and contestable assumption, but within sight of facts recorded and checked since soon hundred years, that the electric state of the air in which we live, in close relationship to the nature and the quantity of impurities which it can contain, is one of the fundamental factors of our physiological balance and our maintenance in a satisfying health.
He well, all occurs as if this biological obviousness, and the indisputable physical facts on which it rests, were regarded as plot or daydreams of scientist! And to fight effects that nobody can obviously deny, one is then constrained to use a chemotherapy of which nobody disputes the utility, but who is impotent in front of problems which it is naturally unable to solve. Admittedly, no one can deny that in the presence of symptoms unpleasant or painful, it is often urgent and legitimate to fight such symptoms as fast as possible. But no one will not claim either that, thanks to the immediate relief obtained, one can give to later the care to deal with the causes! However, by a strange perversion, one asks chemotherapy to fight here only effects, due to causes which are completely foreign for him, and to which it is completely unsuited. The ransom to be paid is known: in addition to a precarious relief, they are all the side effects of the drugs thus consumed without reserve, the immense wasting which they maintain.... It is an attitude, rather an abandonment, which we must and can refuse, because there is not in all that null fate.
We have, I hope for it, well defined and determined the causes of our problems. As it is the rule in this nature, a correctly posed problem comprises the elements of its solution; and it is not only true with problems of mathematics!... It thus remains us now to take the last step, to undertake the urgent task: to conceive then to carry out the restoration of a mutilated atmospheric environment and to find, simply, which nature never ceased offering to us without counting. That made, we will be able finally..... to breathe !
In front of the serious problems that the micro pollution of the air poses - for us, but more and more for the children, particularly vulnerable - I said and I will not cease repeating that there is neither fate of the thing, nor impossibility of treating it. I thus will endeavour to show you how a " good use " of concepts sometimes rather abstract can lead fortunately to completely concrete solutions and in addition very, very effective...
Thus let us start by returning on what is in sum the cause of all our problems: micro pollutants and their generally positive charge. We saw that the things are unfortunately not the same ones inside a room, whatever it is. Ground and walls insulators, charged on average positively, prohibit the capture of the big positive ions, situation that all measurements confirm. Let us look at table N° XVI now: it shows us the fundamental mechanism by which a particle, neutral or charged positively, can be affected by the presence of antagonistic charges, here negative.
Table 16
Thus let us inject into the atmosphere of a micro polluted room a small quantity of electrons (they will be of course ions (0 2 - . Initially, the large positive ions (not very mobile) will attract towards them the very mobile negative ions, and will be thus transformed into neutral particles. It is a first encouraging result, because the harmful effect suitable for the positive charge will be already more or less mitigated. It is unfortunately very insufficient for two reasons at least: - the micropolluants remain in the atmosphere because of the properties recalled to the chapter first, - these same micropolluants remains able to acquire a new positive charge, created by the ambient sources (remember radon in particular). If thus the quantity of negative ions injected is weak, we will have obtained only one poor result and in particular, we will have eliminated neither the particles responsible for allergies nor the infectious germs. As much to say that this form " of aéro-ionization " is quasi useless and that it maintains the dangerous illusion of " cleansing ", almost non-existent in fact. Completely inapt to ensure a real and permanent depollution, it will lead its user to feel justified disappointment and mistrust: a perfectly effective natural process will simply have been betrayed by an incoherent use. Thus let us return to our micro polluted room. Let us take now a source of electrons (thus of negative ions) enough powerful to ensure the complete sequence of the events appearing in table N° XVI: - initially, the strong density of negative ions injected into the air will involve their fast capture by the big positive ions present and will neutralize those; - these neutral particles, subjected to the intense electric forces created by the negative charges, acquire a " polarization " involving the capture of one or more electrons; the big negative ions thus created carry a negative charge then growing like the surrounding negative density, thus being able to reach a high value (such an effect was envisaged theoretically and proven in experiments (cf Bibliography at the end of the text) by German physicist LADENBURG (published in 1930 in famous Annalen der Physik in BERLIN) and French physicist PAUTHENIER (published in 1932 in the Reports of the Academy of Sciences, Paris...). Moreover, all the particles present , whatever their dimensions or their nature, acquire such a load negative ; - this significant electric charge then will involve an increasing mutual repulsion of the particles of micropolluants, sufficient so that their diffusion and precipitation towards the ground of the room (charged in general positively, cf table N° XV) is started and continues regularly. Besides to this end " kinetic " purely is added a second effect quite as significant on the aero contaminants present, bacteria, virus, etc, effect specific to the only negative ions: it is observed whereas the strong electric charge acquired by these varied germs, very quickly blocks their essential exchanges with the atmosphere, thus resulting in their death (effect checked by Finnish and American works in the Seventies - cf Bibliography). One is thus in the presence of a true germ-destroying process. Thus the double operation will then be carried out for which I stated the need : - to bring back the rate of the residual micropolluants to that of the natural places most salubrious, - to restore the permanence of a negative overcharge of the air identical to that of these places. They are there effects being able to be qualified primarily of " physics ", strictly related with those which one meets and observes in external natural environments, far from any intense source of micropollution. Their existence and the quality of the results observed, as well in test laboratories as in real sites of dwelling, would be enough to justify of it - or rather to recommend some - the generalized use. But, as I recalled it at the end of the second chapter, the presence of the ionized oxygen in the atmosphere is contemporary appearance of the life; this one had to integrate this fundamental and permanent factor in its daily unfolding and its evolution, in particular on the level of the respiratory and cutaneous exchanges. One must thus expect that a return in an atmosphere provided well in ions (02-)allows the attenuation, even supplements it disappearance, of the disorders or faintnesses tested in micro polluted air with positive charge. Here still, the results observed in natural sites, but also the observations made in closed mediums laying out of the necessary negative density , and during a sufficient time, agree perfectly and provide almost identical results. In the very many publications concerning the physiological effects of the negative oxygenates ions , a certain number of sites of action are about unanimously recognized for essential with the demonstration of these effects; it is among others : - the complete respiratory tree, - the immune system via the macrophages (white globules known as lymphocytes " killers"), - the Neuro vegetative system via serotonin and various neurotransmitters. Not less significant, but of origin more difficult to determine, are the often spectacular effects on: - tiredness, its arrival, its recovery, - general tonicity, vigilance, the aptitude for the effort, the pain (cutaneous burns, ulceration's, but also rebellious cephalgias, migraines). Lastly, of very many observations (inter alia in the cribs of urban children) confirm, during periods of epidemics in winter, the undeniable protection brought by the installation and the permanent maintenance of a high negative density. Such a protection is neither surprising nor additional: it results from the two fundamental properties of a sufficient negative ionization of the ambient air: the germ-destroying effect on the aérocontaminants present and their precipitation at the ground, but also the unquestionable action on the organization, in particular on the immune system and natural defences. The majority if not the totality of the recorded failures, as well as the irregularity of the results, remain closely related on the characteristics of the apparatuses used, the conditions of use, and confirm the peremptory necessity to use perfectly sure sources and sufficiently powerful Such an obligation will be all the more pressing besides since the room to be cleansed will be of greater volume and object of a strong micropollution, while the number, the provision and the characteristics of the apparatuses will be the subject of a preliminary thorough study. Let us reconsider one moment the biological effects of our negative oxygen : we know that it is narrowly implied in several physiological mechanisms completely essential with our life - if not our survival - which I will very briefly point out. First of all, of course, breathing or more exactly the mechanism by which, on the level of the " membrane " which papers our air cells, is done the fundamental gaseous exchange. It is there that the oxygen, brought by the air inspired, gains the network of capillary vessels surrounding and is collected by haemoglobin. In the same moment, carbon dioxide leaves this haemoglobin and the blood of the capillaries, crosses the membrane of the cells and is evacuated towards the atmosphere. All this process complexes proceeds in a few seconds, with each inspiration and expiry... It is here that negatively ionized oxygen seems to play a completely essential role, by ensuring a transit much easier and rapid of the molecules of neutral oxygen, immensely more, and consequently facilitating the opposite transit of carbon dioxide. The respiratory " output " is some increased, in the same way of course as the oxygenation of blood and its " purification ". If it is obviously necessary to be kept of saying that in the absence of negatively ionized oxygen, we would die asphyxiated, it does not remain about it per less that in this absence the " respiratory output " is clearly decreased, the exchanges reduced , and that the disorders observed systematically in such an atmosphere occur then when the people concerned present a respiratory deficit. The second field, in which the molecule (02-) plays a fundamental role, is that of our immunizing defences, in particular in the essential phase of the destruction of a foreign body (bacterium, cell, etc.) by the " white globules " responsible for this task and called " macrophages ".. The third field, in which we have all the evidence of the essential role of negatively ionized oxygen, relates to a completely fundamental chemical substance of our organization, true molecule " conductor" : the serotonin. At the same time messenger and actor, this molecule is present everywhere and is worth us besides often serious nuisances. You owe him in particular severe and tough migraines, without speaking about the innumerable inflammatory problems from which we suffer always more or less. However such nuisances always result from the presence of a serotonin excess in our blood plasma and translate in fact a true " state of alert " of our organization in relation to an interior or external aggression. In particular, a positively overcharged and micropolluted atmosphere maintains a systematic excess serotonin in blood and can thus involve the appearance of all the disorders resulting from such an excess; contrary, an atmosphere with sufficient negative charge makes it possible to observe a true regulation of the serotonin rate, that the organization controls again fully. To finish some with these concrete examples, a case should be quoted where seem to combine itself and to harmonize the properties of this ion (0 2 - : that of the cutaneous wounds by burns or ulcerations subjected to a sufficiently intense flow of negative ions. Here, the observation is easy, the results immediately visible and recordable, in particular by photography . Whoever saw and intended a very young child to hopelessly seek his breathing during one night whole, cannot remain indifferent to the problem. Here still, the negatively charged air, and of this fact largely removed from the aero-allergens present, brings to the small patient a relief which always leaves at the same time the delighted observer, relieved, but passably doubtful . I add that such a result, observed on multiple occasions and easily verifiable, is obviously not the prerogative of the young children. Simply, it is much more difficult to call upon in their cases a " placebo effect " " of circumstance ", completely impossible since they are perfectly unaware of the means then used, like their possible effects!! Let us retain however that such results should not absolutely enable us to claim that negative ionization is the panacea, remedy for all the come evils and to come! It is registered more modestly, but with its own indications and its undeniable effectiveness, among the best means than nature places at our disposal to relieve or prevent some of our evils. I think that it is amply enough to justify it! And I thus will get busy, in what follows, showing how can and especially how must, being implemented such a means to bring to us what we can expect.
One would of course be tempted to answer: " natural " sources, obviously, if one is likely to live in a permanent way in a place of perfect healthiness: clearing of mountain, foot of a cascade, snow-covered slopes... Such permanent stays being reserved only for one rather reduced number of our contemporaries, it will be necessary for us well to have recourse to an " ionizer" ! Thus let us return to our problem: to find the best possible source of electrons, therefore of negative oxygenates ions , i.e. a source offering the ideal efficiency with the minimum of harmful effects and ensuring inside a room the concentration of ions (02-) considered to be necessary, whatever may be "a priori" the volume of the room and the ionic concentration required. Nature offers to us in practice four possible sources of electrons, more or less directly usable. Thus let us see if such sources have the exigible characters .. a) Radioactive sources and radiation U.V. These obviously are - though natural ! - sources " with risk " which, except very particular cases, will never be used for a usual ionization of inhabited buildings. b) " Thermionic " sources One thus names sources able to emit electrons when they are heated. What we call " heat " is only, indeed, the result of perpetual agitation, around their position of balance, of all the atoms or molecules of all the existing bodies. A piece of burning iron, it is a piece of iron whose atoms are agitated frantically! A piece of ice, it is water whose molecules ceased their agitation until enabling them to join in a compact solid; in the ice, like besides in iron in a solid state, atoms and molecules are satisfied to oscillate indefinitely around their average position, without destroying the global structure. Well... And electrons, in all that? A little as beans in a pan which one shakes: as a long time as the jolts are moderated, you will not lose beans! But if you increase agitation (the temperature of the piece of iron), then caution with the bean leakages, and the escape of the electrons, that the increasing agitation of the iron atoms starts to project outside. And, of course, more you agitate the pan, more you lose beans: the more the temperature of the piece of iron increase, the more it emits electrons! This phenomenon is abundantly made profitable in the multiple electronic devices which surround us, and particularly in all the " tubes " intended to provide us images: data-processing screens, television sets, inter alia.... Then, we have the solution? Not, unfortunately, and this because of oxygen because a piece of iron, especially heated, places at the disposal of this oxygen a genuine basket of electrons. Without same waiting until those left their atom, the molecules of oxygen will make a rush on the iron atoms, clinging thanks to the electrons thus lent, and to give us " rusted " iron ! That made, good-bye with the electrons, finished the external emission, finished the ionization of the air! And this is alas true for almost the whole of the metals, made thus unusable in the air by way of " hot sources " of electrons.
c) " Soft " sources : Two of them constitutes really appreciable sources of electrons, therefore of ions oxygenates negative: green sheets of all the plants lit by sunlight and the cascade or rainwater drops. The contribution in ions (02-) of the plants is considerable, not because the power of the emission is very low, but because the quantity of these plants is enormous, and that they are still largely widespread. The contribution in negative ions due to the rains relates to especially the strong downpours, from the medium to the end of storms, and thus keep a very specific character ("negative rains"). And the contribution due to the cascades, located in theory in mountain, remains obviously narrowly localised with the site concerned. Let us specify immediately that the use of " cascades " or equivalent in apartment brings to the user a completely appreciable environment, but alas very little of negative ions usable! For essential that are thus the interest and the contribution of these sources in the external medium, their use in the closed buildings is obviously excluded, or at best completely additional. There thus remains a last possible means, that which nature implements at the level of the sheets of conifers and the lightning conductors inter alia: it is " the effect of point " still called " Corona effect ". d) The effect " of point " or " Corona " (or " crowns") Table N° XVII summarizes the essence of this phenomena : one will make an effort to accumulate at the end of a very sharp-edged " point " the greatest possible quantity of electrons. The point will be obviously made of a conducting metal particularly not very miserly of its electrons (Nickel, Gold, etc.) Table 17
To obtain such a result, it is obviously necessary to provide to the electrons of metal a good reason to flee their asylum. In the truth, simplest will be to have an external source of electrons, in the shape of a generator with very high voltage, able to provide the energy of wrenching to the electrons of the point. Pushed, hustled, piled up towards the point, they will be constrained to jump in the " vacuum "! It is exactly what occurs and one observes moreover than one same generator of very high voltage (VHV of table N° XVII) will provide a number of electrons all the more large since the point is more " fine "; we will say more precisely " all the more large since the ray of the end of the point is weaker ". Moreover, for the same point with the same final ray, the number of electrons grows quickly when the tension applied to the point increases. It would be then trying to say: " to have an intense source, rather than to endeavour to manufacture extremely fine, fragile and delicate points to use, let us use more rustic but robust points, under a higher tension." It is there a new example of the harmful effects which a ill-considered use of the " good direction involves ": it is indeed easy, therefore trying, to increase the tension applied to the points and almost the totality of the manufacturers does not deprive itself any! The trouble is that one of the usual means to manufacture ozone - you remember, this variety of oxygen with three atoms - is precisely to carry a driver, in particular a " rustic " point, with a raised tension, higher in fact than 5000 volts. An additional trouble is that the produced quantity of ozone grows very, very quickly when the tension of the points is increased, involving very quickly for the user a serious and obviously unacceptable risk. And as a trouble never arrives only, another difficulty also will arise: that of the creation of a " plasma " of charges, whose presence strongly reduces the output of emission of the point, but especially is responsible for the creation of undesirable ozone! What is this thus still that this plasma? In what concerns us, source of additional troubles , which is easy to understand considering what precedes, but less easy to fight! And here why. If you return in table N° XVII, you see there that, by its nature, this plasma plays an energetic role of brake with regard to new electrons resulting from the point, and that it thus tends to reduce the emission very appreciably: installed in front of the point, any fan, therefore powerful it is, will never manage to dislodge it... while it will ensure a broad distribution of ozone produced !.... The problem is now clearly posed : - to have the electrons and the ionised oxygen which we need, one would need a strong tension applied to the points, but the ozone produced in quantity would make the apparatus dangerous and unusable what the experiment proves immediately; - then, it would be necessary to operate with moderated tension, without production of ozone... but with an output in electrons very decreased and poor or null results in particular concerning depollution and decontamination, which proves pitilessly the experiment.....
For almost the whole (except for an exception) of the currently marketed apparatuses, the adopted solution is a compromise between the two requirements: one operates between 6000 and 12000 volts by producing an ozone rate which claims to respect... " the international standards ", but which quickly becomes intolerable for the users, in particular the all young children and the fragile or sensitive people. It is however interesting - but worrying - to note that these " standards " vary very largely on both sides from Atlantique : the American standards tolerate 0, 1 " part per Million " (which one writes 0, 1 ppM) or " 100 ppB " (part per Billion) of ozone in the places " intended to accommodate the people "; the Russian standards, more severe, tolerate only 0,05 ppM (50 ppB). As for the O.M.S. (the World Health Organization), seized of increasing pollution due to ozone, it studied the problem for a lowering of the tolerable rate very below the Russian standards. Let us add that in France, inter alia, there is not imperative standard and that this gap in the law - largely exploited by the manufacturers - does not support protection against ozone.... Let us add finally that the prolonged stay in a place containing more than 0,025 ppM (that is to say 25 ppB) of ozone can involve more or less severe disorders or accidents for the famous individuals " sensitive ".... but also for the others. still set us recall that the ozone emission is inseparable from the production of oxides of nitrogen, very aggressive substances towards the mucous membranes of the respiratory tree and the cornea, inter alia. It is to say once again that the electric characteristics and the nature of the emissive point will not be enough in no case to qualify an equipment and that it will imperatively be necessary to take into account the globality of the problem. It is there pure and simple problem of physics, and more exactly of this completely abstract and passably unpleasing part that one names " electrostatics ". Courage ! We... almost arrived. Because from now, if we apply with a perfect rigour the fundamental rules that nature proposes and imposes to us clearly, we will end without surprised to the results until we wait. Without surprise, but at the price of a long adventure, rich in difficulties and developments ! It is a little this adventure which I now will tell you. Soon thirty years ago (I write this in 1999) that I tackled the problems of the physics of the atmosphere, and that I learned to which complex phenomena I was going to be confronted. With this very complexity being added their unquestionable impact on the beings living in this atmosphere and thanks to it, even if this impact were not perfect obviousness. And so that measurement was packed, I was going very quickly to learn that these alive beings could in return modify or disturb the most essential characteristics of the air of which they lived! Very quickly also I noted the importance of the electric phenomena - the ionization of the air - on the state and the behavior of these same living beings . This led me to take part, in university laboratories, with the direction of several biological research tasks with a new generator of negative ions which I had designed. Sanctioned by a thesis of doctorate inter alia, this work confirmed what we then knew of the effect of the ions of the two signs on the alive medium. These various circumstances having led me to ensure a post-doctoral university education, I was going naturally to be led to widen the field of investigation which arised at me, in order to obtain if possible a complete vision of the phenomena. Thus, with the passing of years, from the innumerable articles or documents read and analyzed, from the multiplied experiments, from the accumulated results, was going to constitute the solid screen on which the achievements are pressed in question in what follows. But before that, one precisely needs that certain rules are pointed out and specified, precisely those which emerged from this long study, and naturally were essential. The experiment then proved unceasingly that they must be very strictly respected so that the equipment implemented ensures us without fault the essential effectiveness and harmlessness. Here thus these rules, which make besides only summarize all that was known as with the length of these lines. 1 - The device will have to act permanently on the whole of the volume of air contained in a given room, in order to act at the same moment on the whole of the micropolluants and charges present. 2 - The device will have to act on the totality of the categories of micropolluants and contaminant present ("granulometric spectrum"), extending in fact from some micrometers (limits of the largest suspended particles) with some thousandth from micrometers (virus, aggregates of " big" molecules, etc.) 3 - The device will be, whatever its power, of a total harmlessness (ozone emission and oxides of nitrogen to most equal to that of the natural places most salubrious), thus authorizing its established post in all closed places and near sensitive or fragile people in particular. 4 - The device will have to restore and maintain the balance electric of the atmosphere of a room in accordance with that of a salubrious natural atmosphere , whatever may be the dimensions, the structure, the contents and the conditions of use of the room. 5 - The device will be easily adaptable to the structure and the conditions of use of a room, whatever are dimensions or destination. 6 - The device will ensure a permanent operation with a low fuel consumption of energy returning its cost of moderate exploitation. 7 - The device will have an enough weak cost of use and of acquisition to allow its installation in all the places where it is necessary or justified. 8 - The device will be of simple and easy current use. 9 - The device will have a long permanent utilisation period (3 to 5 years without intervention), as well as a simple and reduced maintenance. 10 - The device will exclude all accessories (ventilators, turbines, etc.) useless and expensive 11 - The device will be quiet in order to be able to function in all rest or places of work, sensitive person or patient. 12 - The device will be able to function normally in aggressive atmosphere without risk of deterioration or danger to the user.
The first conclusion which emerged from this statement was the quasi obligation to have recourse to electric devices , only able to satisfy completely the rules N° 1, 2 and 4 and to bring the best solution to the nine others. These electric devices would consist then, taking into account all that precedes, of one (or several) source of oxygen negative ions for " point effect". Remained to specify exactly what would be in practice such a source and the requirements that it should satisfy. It was going to take twelve years of work to have the answer, in the shape of a new apparatus and of its successively improved versions, answering all the imposed conditions indeed. Subjected to the long torture of the tests and controls in laboratory, then to the same tests in real sites of all natures and all dimensions, the new apparatus brought finally the proof that the obstinacy of the physicist - some would say his crazes - are and will remain always an essential rule ! It also brought the proof that, contrary to assertions too often heard, there was no contradiction between the stated rules , the essential consequence being the opening of a considerable field of application to a technique remained up to now very confined and very disputed. From all this, it results that what will follow, which relates to all the practical uses of aero-ionization, of course refers exclusively to the new equipment which I have just evoked. Its characteristics thus make it possible to envisage and adopt these conditions of use within the strict framework of the " 12 rules ". Of course, any equipment similar to come, which would answer in a way unquestionable and proven the same criteria, would be usable under these same conditions and should thus lead to same results .
Remember: in nature, the same causes never ceased producing the same effects. |
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